Thursday, April 25, 2013


I am 28 years old.
Give it half an hour. and I will be 29

How am I spending these last few 28y minutes?
Figuring out how the heck I could act my age

Can I let you in on a little secret?
I adore birthdays....I plan for mine quite a while in advance. What Ill wear, how I'll look...down to the french manicure I'll get.

Some things come to pass, some unfortunately dont.
While I spend the last few minutes of my twenty eighth year clutching my antibiotic stricken stomach, I do know one thing....
Some things are way more important, like the hug of  a loved one as the clock turns twelve.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

No Shrinking Violet

If only I was always as confident as I sounded in the last post, I'm pretty sure I would have colonised a small planet by now.
Life however is often different, and while I always have the perfect witty, reasonable yet elegant response just 30 seconds on, my frozen smile doesnt always give way to my sharp reply in time.
Being shy is just a laziness of the mind, says the wise cat however and I agree with him, I do.
So this is me being expressive - well, a start anyway.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Starting out

So, apparently, you are advised to write what you know.
Or maybe we should just stick to whatever's absolute top of the mind.

My diet's been on my mind a lot lately. A couple of months ago, I made a pretty drastic shift in terms of what I eat. I eat low carb now, and I've been good, I promise.

Except well... this week, a South Indian, stuck away from home and on a low carb thing (so many things wrong with that sentence), meets a very delectable Pongal at Bangalore airport.....and well.... HELLLOOO there!

(So why am I telling you that? Why to indicate what kind of welcome Hello I'd like of course!)